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Articles de joieria amb els components, de metalls preciosos (fins i tot els revestits o xapats)

Articles de joieria amb els components, de metalls preciosos (fins i tot els revestits o xapats) (3212133009). Catalonia
Year ascending Quantity Unit Thousands € Position
2008 z z 77,927 197
2009 z z 55,134 219
2010 z z 58,683 212
2011 z z 59,288 217
2012 z z 62,881 202
2013 z z 56,664 221
2014 z z 52,213 241
2015 z z 53,083 248
2016 z z 57,582 251
2017 z z 59,624 245
2018 z z 61,284 241
2019 z z 53,645 286
2020 z z 35,691 342
Source: Statistical Institute of Catalonia, based on data from INE industrial products survey.
You can check the list every year PRODCOM-EIP at statistical classifications of products.
Note: Results of last year published (2022) are provisional.
(z) Category not applicable.

Results of all researched products (in Excel)