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Altres tubs d'acer inoxidable soldats de diàmetre <= a 406,4 mm, de secció circular, excepte per a oleoductes, gasoductes i per a l'extracció de petroli o gas

Altres tubs d'acer inoxidable soldats de diàmetre <= a 406,4 mm, de secció circular, excepte per a oleoductes, gasoductes i per a l'extracció de petroli o gas (2420331000). Catalonia
Year Quantity Unit Thousands € Position ascending
2011 4,936 tons 23,446 434
2010 4,792 tons 21,192 462
2009 5,192 tons 19,200 503
2012 3,938 tons 12,723 578
2020 4,664 tons 14,200 598
2008 4,611 tons 17,198 619
2018 4,843 tons 15,163 625
2019 4,516 tons 14,110 641
2017 4,048 tons 13,433 655
2016 3,674 tons 11,422 680
2015 2,728 tons 8,811 745
2014 2,139 tons 7,588 754
2013 957 tons 3,998 925
Source: Statistical Institute of Catalonia, based on data from INE industrial products survey.
You can check the list every year PRODCOM-EIP at statistical classifications of products.
Note: Results of last year published (2022) are provisional.

Results of all researched products (in Excel)