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Instruments and supplies for medicine and dentistry

Instruments and supplies for medicine and dentistry. Catalonia. 2023 Value and quantity of production sold (by PRODCOM code)
Name of the product Code ascending Quantity Unit Thousands €
Instruments i aparells d'odontologia 325011 .. z ..
Esterilitzadors medicoquirúrgics o de laboratori 325012 2,774 units 78,201
Xeringues, agulles, catèters, cànules i similars; instruments i aparells d'oftalmologia ncaa i altres àrees 325013 101,462,947 units 178,068
Instruments i aparells terapèutics, aparells respiratoris 325021 244,745 units 27,731
Pròtesis articulars, aparells d'ortopèdia, dents artificials, aparells de pròtesi dental, components artificials del cos ncaa 325022 z z 233,085
Components i accessoris d'articles i aparells ortopèdics i de pròtesi 325023 .. z ..
Mobiliari per a medicina, cirurgia, odontologia o veterinària; cadires de perruqueria i cadires similars amb els components 325030 z z 57,731
Lents de contacte i lents per a ulleres de qualsevol material 325041 .. z ..
Ulleres i articles similars de correcció i protecció 325042 .. z ..
Muntures d'ulleres o d'articles similars 325043 .. z ..
Altres materials per a usos mèdics o quirúrgics 325050 z z 97,840
Total sales of products in the branch 704,360
Source: Statistical Institute of Catalonia, based on data from INE industrial products survey.
Sectoral scope: This branch includes the group 325 of the CCAE-2009.
You can check the list every year PRODCOM-EIP at statistical classifications of products.
Note: Results of last year published (2023) are provisional.
ncaa: Not elsewhere classified.
(z) Category not applicable.
(..) Confidential data, low reliability or not available.

Results of all researched products (in Excel)