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Articles d'ús domèstic i articles d'higiene o tocador, de matèries plàstiques

Articles d'ús domèstic i articles d'higiene o tocador, de matèries plàstiques (2229234008). Catalonia
Year Quantity ascending Unit Thousands € Position
2014 699,880 kg 10,055 675
2018 754,955 kg 11,376 708
2016 882,263 kg 12,151 661
2012 1,005,550 kg 11,396 609
2017 1,164,661 kg 12,117 684
2015 1,187,410 kg 15,023 580
2019 1,246,357 kg 13,733 653
2013 1,353,228 kg 9,639 675
2011 2,577,226 kg 12,552 608
2020 2,683,344 kg 16,839 553
2010 3,585,636 kg 13,795 579
Source: Statistical Institute of Catalonia, based on data from INE industrial products survey.
Note: Before the year 2010 the information on this product was included in the codes 2229235005 and 2229239007.
You can check the list every year PRODCOM-EIP at statistical classifications of products.
Note: Results of last year published (2022) are provisional.

Results of all researched products (in Excel)