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Altres planxes, plaques, fulls, pel·lícules, cintes i tires de matèries plàstiques, no cel·lulars de polièsters

Altres planxes, plaques, fulls, pel·lícules, cintes i tires de matèries plàstiques, no cel·lulars de polièsters (2221423009). Catalonia
Year Quantity ascending Unit Thousands € Position
2012 2,785 tons 8,237 698
2011 3,086 tons 9,420 696
2015 3,204 tons 8,553 757
2013 3,214 tons 8,447 720
2014 3,548 tons 9,095 704
2016 4,348 tons 9,721 727
2010 4,379 tons 11,391 647
2008 4,800 tons 15,814 650
2009 4,988 tons 12,966 633
2020 19,371 tons 36,366 339
2019 20,217 tons 42,153 340
2017 20,304 tons 38,020 365
2018 21,255 tons 39,144 368
Source: Statistical Institute of Catalonia, based on data from INE industrial products survey.
You can check the list every year PRODCOM-EIP at statistical classifications of products.
Note: Results of last year published (2022) are provisional.

Results of all researched products (in Excel)