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Adobs amb nitrogen, fòsfor i potassi (envasos > a 10 kg pes brut)

Adobs amb nitrogen, fòsfor i potassi (envasos > a 10 kg pes brut) (2015710008). Catalonia
Year Quantity (1) Unit Thousands € descending Position
2020 (1) 37,836 tons 37,188 333
2018 (1) 46,252 tons 34,228 389
2019 (1) 35,685 tons 31,938 400
2017 (1) 44,672 tons 30,828 405
2016 (1) 38,084 tons 25,604 434
2015 (1) 44,883 tons 24,409 431
2014 (1) 36,064 tons 23,738 429
2013 (1) 27,493 tons 22,024 439
2012 (1) 38,058 tons 21,508 426
2011 (1) 16,974 tons 18,312 507
Source: Statistical Institute of Catalonia, based on data from INE industrial products survey.
Note: Before the year 2011 the information on this product was included in the codes 2015713002 and 2015718001.
You can check the list every year PRODCOM-EIP at statistical classifications of products.
Note: Results of last year published (2022) are provisional.
(1) The amount includes the total production generated over the year: sales + reemployment + stocks.

Results of all researched products (in Excel)