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Cinyells, cinturons i bandoleres de cuir natural, artificial o regenerat

Cinyells, cinturons i bandoleres de cuir natural, artificial o regenerat (1419318001). Catalonia
Year Quantity ascending Unit Thousands € Position
2015 984,309 units 36,291 335
2016 1,084,463 units 34,177 361
2009 1,255,218 units 21,116 471
2013 1,365,868 units 39,383 284
2017 1,386,428 units 41,838 345
2014 1,407,440 units 41,551 287
2010 1,416,372 units 30,224 364
2020 1,503,460 units 42,005 309
2018 1,726,280 units 52,875 293
2008 1,735,068 units 20,248 574
2019 1,859,217 units 58,139 265
2011 1,988,139 units 41,001 291
2012 1,991,977 units 37,012 294
Source: Statistical Institute of Catalonia, based on data from INE industrial products survey.
You can check the list every year PRODCOM-EIP at statistical classifications of products.
Note: Results of last year published (2022) are provisional.

Results of all researched products (in Excel)