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Paints, varnishes, printer inks and mastics

Paints, varnishes, printer inks and mastics. Catalonia. 2022 Value and quantity of production sold (by PRODCOM code)
Name of the product Code Quantity Unit Thousands € descending
Pintures i vernissos a base de polièsters, polímers acrílics o vinílics, en un medi no aquós; altres dissolucions similars 203012 114,091 tons 482,245
Pintures i vernissos a base de polímers acrílics o vinílics i altres dispersos o dissolts, en un medi aquós 203011 145,172 tons 292,399
Altres pintures i vernissos; assecants preparats 203022 39,879 tons 130,265
Tintes d'impressió 203024 36,865 tons 129,741
Pigments, opacificants, colors preparats, esmalts i vernissos vitrificables, enlluïts, llustres líquids i similars; composició de sosa i sorra per fabricar vidre 203021 4,545 tons 57,841
Colors per a la pintura artística, l'ensenyament i la pintura de rètols, per matisar o per a l'esbarjo i productes similars 203023 990 tons 5,687
Sales subject to statistical secrecy 0
Total sales of products in the branch 1,098,177
Source: Statistical Institute of Catalonia, based on data from INE industrial products survey.
Sectoral scope: This branch includes the group 203 of the CCAE-2009.
You can check the list every year PRODCOM-EIP at statistical classifications of products.
Note: Results of last year published (2022) are provisional.

Results of all researched products (in Excel)