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Porto, Madeira, Xerès, Tokay i altres de grau alcohòlic > al 15% volum (exclòs l'impost de l'alcohol)

Porto, Madeira, Xerès, Tokay i altres de grau alcohòlic > al 15% volum (exclòs l'impost de l'alcohol) (1102123000). Catalonia
Year ascending Quantity Unit Thousands € Position
2008 13,155 hectolitres 2,773 1139
2009 15,333 hectolitres 3,305 1024
2010 14,248 hectolitres 3,413 961
2011 16,973 hectolitres 3,605 922
2012 19,637 hectolitres 4,107 854
2013 23,893 hectolitres 4,626 889
2014 16,835 hectolitres 3,591 944
2015 26,902 hectolitres 3,621 959
2016 17,748 hectolitres 4,140 925
2017 35,397 hectolitres 4,822 911
2018 27,950 hectolitres 5,141 888
2019 31,927 hectolitres 4,529 910
2020 26,590 hectolitres 4,219 891
Source: Statistical Institute of Catalonia, based on data from INE industrial products survey.
Note: From the year 2010 this product is assigned the code 1102123107.
You can check the list every year PRODCOM-EIP at statistical classifications of products.
Note: Results of last year published (2022) are provisional.

Results of all researched products (in Excel)