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Altres productes a base de peix, excepte sencers o a trossos: croquetes, patés, etc., excepte en plats preparats

Altres productes a base de peix, excepte sencers o a trossos: croquetes, patés, etc., excepte en plats preparats (1020259004). Catalonia
Year Quantity Unit Thousands € descending Position
2008 5,526,930 kg 23,441 514
2017 4,714,465 kg 19,726 530
2018 4,436,399 kg 18,920 552
2009 4,339,677 kg 18,256 514
2016 3,451,580 kg 17,741 540
2012 3,158,761 kg 15,768 519
2015 3,110,005 kg 15,605 559
2019 4,027,759 kg 14,064 643
2020 3,588,843 kg 13,815 608
2013 2,609,146 kg 13,725 566
2014 2,722,897 kg 13,618 575
2011 2,833,979 kg 13,002 599
2010 2,683,709 kg 10,033 681
Source: Statistical Institute of Catalonia, based on data from INE industrial products survey.
You can check the list every year PRODCOM-EIP at statistical classifications of products.
Note: Results of last year published (2022) are provisional.

Results of all researched products (in Excel)