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Derivats de carn i despulles de boví elaborats o en conserva, excepte curats en salmorra o fumats, embotit i productes similars, preparats homogeneïtzats, preparats de fetge i en plats preparats

Derivats de carn i despulles de boví elaborats o en conserva, excepte curats en salmorra o fumats, embotit i productes similars, preparats homogeneïtzats, preparats de fetge i en plats preparats (1013158502). Catalonia
Year Quantity Unit Thousands € ascending Position
2008 872,089 kg 4,264 1053
2013 3,666,205 kg 17,682 493
2014 3,885,814 kg 19,113 482
2016 3,861,433 kg 19,323 512
2015 3,953,058 kg 19,762 501
2017 3,988,259 kg 20,299 524
2012 4,477,588 kg 20,719 443
2010 4,545,432 kg 21,041 465
2018 4,404,024 kg 21,605 511
2019 4,808,496 kg 21,843 496
2020 4,957,393 kg 22,638 455
2009 4,295,497 kg 23,487 433
2011 5,009,383 kg 23,865 428
Source: Statistical Institute of Catalonia, based on data from INE industrial products survey.
You can check the list every year PRODCOM-EIP at statistical classifications of products.
Note: Results of last year published (2022) are provisional.

Results of all researched products (in Excel)