European Union indicators
The European Union indicators are a set of indicators referring to different aspects of the demographic, economic and social reality of Catalonia in comparison with Spain and the rest of the European Union. These indicators come both from the objectives set by the European Commission at the different summits and from the selection of basic statistics disseminated by the Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat). They also include the UE sustainable development goal indicators for Catalonia within the context of the United Nations 2030 Agenda.
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Idescat has been disseminating European Union indicators since 2007. Likewise, this set is made up of a selection of four groups of statistical data:
- Structural indicators: A set of indicators arising from the Lisbon Summit in 2000 and aimed at monitoring European policies in the early years of the 21st century. Idescat has been disseminating these indicators since 2005.
- Europe 2020 indicators: A system of indicators that emerged from the Europe 2020 Strategy and are considered strategic by the European Commission for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Idescat has been disseminating these indicators since 2012.
- Figures of Catalonia: A selection of basic data on Catalonia compared with those of Spain and the European Union and published in the booklet Figures of Catalonia, which Idescat has been publishing since 1989.
- UE sustainable development goal indicators for Catalonia: These indicators are structured on the basis of the 17 Goals of the United Nations' 2030 Agenda and provide a statistical overview of sustainable development in the UE and its Member States. Since 2019 Idescat has incorporated into its official statistics the compilation, maintenance, updating and dissemination of the UE ODS indicators for Catalonia, taking as a reference the indicators published by Eurostat and its criteria for quality, soundness and methodological suitability. These indicators carry the official logo of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Idescat manages and updates all the data that form part of this European Union indicator system. The data for Catalonia are provided by the different organisations that comprise the Statistics System of Catalonia and follow the same methodology as the European data, which guarantees the comparability of the data. The data for the European Union and Spain, however, come from Eurostat.
Most of the indicators include a "See also" section, which allows the data to be viewed directly on the Eurostat website.
The European Union indicators are annual and are updated using the most recent data from Catalonia as a reference. Most indicators offer series starting in the year 2000.
Available tables [−]
Demography · Society
- Population figures
- Foreign population
- Households, families and marriages
- Births and deaths
- Migrations
- Projections
- Students enrolled. By educational levels
- Participation in early childhood education (children aged 3 and over). By sex
- Participation in early childhood education (children aged 4 and over). By sex
- Students of tertiary education levels. By study areas
- Population aged 20 to 24 that has completed secondary education. By sex
- Tertiary educational attainment. By sex
- Early leavers from education and training. By citizenship
- Early leavers from education and training. By sex
- Adult participation in learning
- Employment rates of recent graduate. By sex
- Underachievement in reading, maths or science
- Public expenditure on education relative to GDP
- Smoking prevalence. By sex
- Hospital beds
- Life expectancy at 60. By sex
- Obesity rate by body mass index (BMI). By sex
- Life expectancy at birth. By sex
- Main causes of death
- Standardised preventable and treatable mortality. By sex
- Standardised death rate due to homicide. By sex
- Standardised death rate due to chronic diseases. By sex
- Healthy life years at birth. By sex
- Standardised death rate due to tuberculosis, HIV and hepatitis by type of disease. By sex
- Gender employment gap
- Inactive population due to caring responsibilities. By sex
- Young people neither in employment nor in education and training (NEET). By sex
- Young people neither in employment nor in education and training. By citizenship
- Employment rate. By citizenship
- Employment in high- and medium-high technology manufacturing and knowledge-intensive services
- Human resources in science and technology. By sex
- Active population from 15 to 64 years of age
- Activity rate from 15 to 64 years of age. By sex
- Employment from 15 to 64 years of age. By sectors
- Employment rate. By sex
- Employment rate from 55 to 64 years of age. By sex
- Dispersion of regional employment rates. By sex
- Unemployment rate. By sex
- Unemployment rate. Less than 25 years
- Long-term unemployment rate. By sex
- Employment rates of recent graduate. By sex
- Growth in the per-unit labour cost
- Population aged 0 to 17 in jobless households
- Population aged 18 to 59 in jobless households. By sex
- Justice · Public order and safety
Quality of life
Living conditions
- Personal distribution of income
Risk of poverty
- People at risk of income poverty after social transfers. By sex
- People at risk of poverty after social transfers. By citizenship
- People at risk of poverty or social exclusion. By sex
- People at risk of poverty or social exclusion. By degree of urbanisation
- In work at-risk-of-poverty rate. By sex
- At-risk-of-poverty rate after pensions, before other social transfers. By sex
- Relative median at-risk-of-poverty gap. By sex
- Gender pay gap in unadjusted form
Deprivations of households
- Severely materially deprived people. By sex
- People suffering from severe material and social deprivation. By sex
- People living in households with very low work intensity. By sex
- Self-reported unmet need for medical examination and care. By sex
- Population having neither a bath, nor a shower, nor indoor flushing toilet in their household by poverty status. By sex
- Population unable to keep home adequately warm by poverty status. By sex
- People with good or very good perceived health. By sex
Housing conditions
- Housing cost overburden rate by poverty status. By sex
- Severe housing deprivation rate by poverty status. By sex
- Population living in a dwelling with a leaking roof, damp walls, floors or foundation or rot in window frames of floor. By sex
- Overcrowding rate by poverty status. By sex
- Population living in households considering that they suffer from noise by poverty status. By sex
- Population reporting occurrence of crime, violence or vandalism in their area by poverty status. By sex
- Gender Equality Index
Living conditions
- Macromagnitudes
- Public sector finance
External investment and trade
- Imports from developing countries
- External trade
- Prices
Research · Technology
- Gross internal expenditure on R&D in relation to GDP
- In-house R&D expenditure. By sectors performance
- R&D researchers. By sex
- Households with access to Internet
- R&D personnel in relation to the active population. By sex
- Internet. Regular users within the last 3 months. By sex
- Individuals who have purchased by Internet within the last 3 months
- Electronic administration. Use within the last 12 months
- Population with at least basic digital skills. By sex
- Enterprises that have sold via e-commerce
- High-speed internet coverage. By type of area
- Patent applications to the European Patent Office
Economic sectors
- Agriculture · Livestock · Fisheries
- Trade · Services
Industry · Energy
- Industrial Production Index adjusted by working days
- Energy productivity
- Final energy consumption in households per capita
- Energy import dependency
- Final energy consumption
- Primary production of energy
- Primary energy consumption
- Gross inland consumption of energy. By products
- Final energy consumption. By sectors
- Energy consumption per inhabitant
- Gross inland consumption of energy divided by GDP
- Share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption
- Electricity generated from renewable sources
- Transport
- Tourism
Environment · Territory
- Material flows
- Resource productivity and domestic material consumption (DMC)
- Municipal waste generated
- Municipal waste. By type of treatment method
- Recycling rate of municipal waste
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- Exposure to air pollution by particulate matter
- Greenhouse gas emissions intensity of energy consumption
- Mean near-surface temperature deviation
- Share of forest area
- Surface of protected land areas (15.20)
- Surface of marine sites designated under Natura 2000
- Common bird index
- Grassland butterfly index
- Population connected to at least secondary waste water treatment
- Bathing sites with excellent water quality