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Employed persons in services. By activity group

Employed persons in services. By activity group (CCEA-93) Catalonia. 2004
Value Variation (%)
Sale, maintenance and reparation of motor vehicles 67,759 7.0
Wholesale and intermediate, except motor vehicles 232,567 4.9
Retail except motor vehicles; reparations 305,273 4.1
Hotels, camp sites and other short duration accommodation 47,885 9.9
Catering 164,333 7.0
Travel agencies and tour operators 9,944 2.6
Transport of travellers 36,944 1.2
Transports of goods 70,173 2.2
Transport related activities 37,797 2.9
Post and courier activities 21,247 -0.2
Telecommunications 10,031 -12.1
IT activities 38,611 -3.2
Real estate activities 70,755 7.0
Renting activities 12,598 8.1
Research and development 5,129 7.3
Legal, accounting and business management activities 91,908 25.8
Market research and public opinion polls 5,678 12.8
Technical services 47,922 16.7
Advertising 21,606 13.5
Personal selection 71,190 19.5
Research and security services 15,370 11.9
Cleaning industrial activities 76,861 1.8
Diverse business activities 66,420 14.0
Audiovisual services 15,057 17.8
Other recreative, cultural and sports activities 52,146 17.0
Personal service diverse activities 41,676 2.5
Units: Persons.
Source: Idescat, based on the Structural business statistics in the trade sector and the Structural business statistics in the service sector of INE.
Employed persons in services. By activity group (CCEA-93) Spain. 2004
Value Variation (%)
Sale, maintenance and reparation of motor vehicles 398,308 7.4
Wholesale and intermediate, except motor vehicles 1,113,206 3.5
Retail except motor vehicles; reparations 1,737,941 5.5
Hotels, camp sites and other short duration accommodation 299,657 7.1
Catering 956,562 7.7
Travel agencies and tour operators 53,083 7.7
Transport of travellers 246,411 1.0
Transports of goods 376,030 4.9
Transport related activities 163,601 5.7
Post and courier activities 111,882 0.6
Telecommunications 65,220 -9.7
IT activities 188,113 4.4
Real estate activities 322,459 8.3
Renting activities 82,956 7.7
Research and development 18,899 7.6
Legal, accounting and business management activities 373,603 6.1
Market research and public opinion polls 18,450 2.5
Technical services 251,363 7.7
Advertising 100,832 9.2
Personal selection 239,114 14.0
Research and security services 107,912 7.5
Cleaning industrial activities 400,821 4.6
Diverse business activities 295,262 8.5
Audiovisual services 70,846 5.6
Other recreative, cultural and sports activities 262,237 17.4
Personal service diverse activities 213,334 8.8
Units: Persons.
Source: INE. Structural business statistics in the trade sector and Structural business statistics in the service sector.

Last update: October 31, 2006.

Methodological note

The Structural Business Statistics in the Service Sector (called the Annual Services Survey prior to the reference year 2014), is the main source of structural information for all market services. It is a sample survey performed annually by the National Statistical Institute (INE) in collaboration with the Statistical Institute of Catalonia (Idescat) in the Catalan territory. Its fundamental objective is the study of the economic characteristics of companies in the sector, such as their primary activities and employment, as well as accounting data such as expenses or income.

The statistical unit used in the research is companies whose main economic activity is to provide one of the services described in following. A company is considered to be the smallest combination of legal entities that make up an organizational unit that produces goods or services and has a certain degree of autonomy in regard to decision-making. A company may carry out its activities in one or several local units (establishments). The data published for Catalonia regarding this statistic refers to the activities developed by the company units in Catalonia, according to the Catalan Classification of Economic Activities 2009 (CCAE-2009). Until 2007, the classification used was CCAE-93.

Sectorisation corresponding to the Catalan Classification of Economic Activities 2009 (CCAE-2009)
Activity groupsCCAE-2009
Sale and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles45
Wholesale and intermediaries, except motor vehicles46
Retail sales, except motor vehicles and motorcycles 47
Transport and storage 49–53
Accommodation and food service activities55, 56
Information and communications 58–63
Real estate activities 68
Professional, scientific and technical activities 69–75
Administrative activities and auxiliary services77–82
Artistic, recreational and entertainment activities90–93
Other services 95, 96

Employees are a group of people who, by performing their job, contribute to the production of goods or services or carry out auxiliary services to a company (administration, transport, warehousing). This includes holiday staff, those on short-term or sick leave, those on strike, and those paid by the company but who work offsite. This does not include personnel with unlimited leave, personnel assigned to another company and are paid for this concept, personnel who work strictly on commission, freelance professionals bound to the company by commercial contract, exclusively financial partners or the owner's family members who do not take an active role in the company. The reference point for the employment data is 30th September of each year.

From 2009 to 2011, the "Artistic, leisure and entertainment activities" and "Other services" groups were partially studied using a rota system, meaning some of its branches were studied each year. From the year 2012 onwards, all of this group of branches will be studied again. The relationship of branches studied each year is as follows:

Artistic, recreational and entertainment activities:

Artistic, recreational and entertainment activities
Creative, artistic and show activities (div. 90)YesYesYesYes
Library, archival and museum activities (div. 91)YesYesYesYes
Gambling and betting (div. 92)YesYesYes
Sporting, recreational and entertainment activities (div. 93)YesYesYesYes
Other services
Computer repair, personal belongings and domestic goods (div. 95)YesYesYesYesYes
Other activities in personal services (div. 96)YesYes

In 2014, companies not previously included in the Survey framework were incorporated into the "Wholesale trade and intermediaries, except motor vehicles" branch (group 467 of the CCAE-2009).

Several methodological improvements were applied to the Structural Business Statistics in 2016 as part of the Project for the integration of the structural economic surveys.

The lack of uniformity described means it would not be appropriate to calculate the year-over-year variation for these groups of activities for the mentioned years.

From 2019, the results for Spain are shown using the statistical companies unit, while for Catalonia the results continue to be shown in legal units.

You can get more information about these statistics in the methodology.