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Job vacancies. By activity sectors

Job vacancies. By activity sectors Catalonia. 1st quarter 2015
Value Variation quarterly % Variation year-over-year %
Total 13,720 29.8 30.6
Industry 1,450 -0.5 62.2
Construction 627 520.8 11.8
Services 11,644 29.2 28.6
Units: Number.
Source: Idescat, based on data from the INE's Quarterly Labour Cost Survey.
Job vacancies. By activity sectors Spain. 1st quarter 2015
Value Variation quarterly % Variation year-over-year %
Total 58,707 4.3 6.8
Industry 4,682 12.2 11.0
Construction 1,604 -34.0 -42.8
Services 52,420 5.5 9.3
Units: Number.
Source: INE. Quarterly Labour Cost Survey.

Last update: June 17, 2015. Next update: December 17, 2024 Calendari

Methodological note

The Quarterly Labour Cost Survey (QLCS) is a continuous sample-based statistical operation conducted by the National Statistical Institute (INE). Since the third quarter of 2013, the QLCS includes a new section for the preparation of Vacancy Statistics (VE), which are mandatory, given that it is regulated by Regulation 453/2008 of the European Parliament and Council. Until the fourth quarter of 2012, the VE was produced based on the data provided by the Labour Situation Survey (developed by the Ministry for Labour and Social Security).

Employment offers or vacancies are the positions that have either been created recently, or despite having been created, haven't been filled by anyone, or are about to open up, and the business manager is in the process of taking action to fill them with an external candidate, who is not part of the company.

Employment offers largely represent unsatisfied demand for labour, as well as the potential imbalances between unemployed workers' abilities and availability, and those required by companies.

The population studied in the QLCS is made up of all the contribution accounts included in the Social Security General Regime and the Special Coal Mining Regime, regardless of their size. The QLCS takes into account all workers that paid at least one day worth of Social Security contributions during the reference month and studies the contribution accounts whose activity is carried out within one of the three main economic sectors: industry, construction and services, particularly those included in sections C to K and M to O of the Catalan Classification of Economic Activities from 1993, Revision 1 (CCAE-93 Rev.1). Therefore, agriculture, fishing, Public administration, mandatory defence and Social Security, household services and extraterritorial bodies are excluded from the survey.

Tables that detail the number of jobs vacancies may present data rounding problems, since employment units or positions must be inserted as whole numbers so they can be interpreted correctly once the weighting factors have been applied.