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Gross Domestic Product. Supply

Gross Domestic Product. Supply Catalonia Value at current prices (M€)
GDP Gross value added Agriculture Industry Manufacturing industry Construction Services Trade, transport and accommodation Real state, professional and other activities Public administration, education, health and social services Net taxes on products
2023 (p) 292,474 269,438 2,408 50,034 43,311 12,620 204,377 68,645 93,887 41,845 23,036
2022 (p) 269,505 247,963 1,980 47,159 40,196 11,465 187,359 62,945 85,081 39,333 21,542
2021 (p) 243,790 222,986 2,070 44,481 37,784 10,633 165,801 51,341 77,491 36,969 20,805
2020 223,906 206,615 2,265 41,238 34,949 10,080 153,032 43,413 73,974 35,644 17,292
2019 251,556 231,125 2,238 44,965 37,799 12,218 171,704 57,435 78,839 35,430 20,431
2018 242,434 221,972 2,089 43,683 36,977 11,457 164,742 55,699 74,886 34,157 20,462
2017 232,187 212,921 2,095 42,059 35,381 10,766 158,000 54,342 70,800 32,858 19,266
2016 222,514 204,386 1,944 40,640 34,085 10,132 151,669 51,833 67,804 32,032 18,128
2015 213,746 196,543 1,850 39,350 32,525 9,379 145,963 49,352 65,529 31,082 17,204
2014 204,896 189,036 1,916 36,846 30,867 8,977 141,297 48,080 63,577 29,640 15,860
2013 201,531 185,787 1,993 35,639 29,333 9,172 138,983 48,496 61,326 29,162 15,744
2012 201,768 187,197 1,793 35,142 29,211 10,761 139,500 48,881 61,689 28,930 14,571
2011 208,341 193,619 1,837 36,830 30,894 13,924 141,027 49,627 62,534 28,866 14,722
2010 208,593 193,357 1,825 36,637 30,861 16,319 138,576 49,475 60,303 28,799 15,236
2009 206,813 195,301 1,999 34,792 29,022 21,358 137,151 48,734 60,273 28,144 11,512
2008 216,220 200,725 1,969 39,574 34,302 22,774 136,407 48,970 60,862 26,576 15,495
2007 212,244 192,814 2,048 39,485 34,858 22,366 128,915 47,017 57,776 24,122 19,431
2006 199,153 179,293 2,127 37,925 33,663 21,373 117,869 44,566 51,578 21,724 19,860
2005 183,581 165,656 2,051 36,292 32,275 18,783 108,529 41,540 47,113 19,876 17,926
2004 169,931 154,018 1,942 35,988 32,513 16,415 99,673 38,709 42,664 18,300 15,913
2003 156,673 142,743 2,081 34,265 31,190 14,788 91,609 36,010 38,806 16,793 13,930
2002 145,947 133,434 2,043 33,538 30,752 13,656 84,197 33,512 35,482 15,202 12,512
2001 136,952 125,243 2,176 33,295 30,832 12,493 77,278 30,412 32,920 13,945 11,710
2000 127,605 116,554 1,942 31,331 29,087 10,996 72,285 28,835 30,276 13,174 11,051
Source: Idescat. Annual Economic Accounts for Catalonia. 2019 Benchmark Revision.
(p) Provisional data.
Gross Domestic Product. Supply Spain Value at current prices (M€)
GDP Gross value added Agriculture Industry Manufacturing industry Construction Services Trade, transport and accommodation Real state, professional and other activities (1) Public administration, education, health and social services Net taxes on products
2023 (p) 1,498,324 1,367,656 37,454 220,604 163,192 80,805 1,028,793 326,779 464,208 237,806 130,668
2022 (p) 1,373,629 1,252,481 31,725 214,377 150,826 73,136 933,243 296,422 415,321 221,500 121,148
2021 (p) 1,235,474 1,118,595 34,201 185,462 139,066 65,544 833,388 248,408 374,664 210,316 116,879
2020 1,129,214 1,030,964 31,445 163,491 122,556 63,700 772,328 210,351 357,345 204,632 98,250
2019 1,253,710 1,137,968 31,591 176,691 134,106 73,774 855,912 274,316 378,724 202,872 115,742
2018 1,212,276 1,097,845 32,747 172,142 130,788 67,144 825,812 266,217 365,461 194,134 114,431
2017 1,170,024 1,061,122 32,801 168,657 130,043 64,233 795,431 257,483 349,272 188,676 108,902
2016 1,122,967 1,019,400 31,614 160,533 122,996 61,744 765,509 246,278 335,097 184,134 103,567
2015 1,087,112 987,936 29,605 157,662 119,732 58,924 741,745 235,719 326,188 179,838 99,176
2014 1,038,949 946,493 26,254 151,045 114,259 55,390 713,804 222,461 316,609 174,734 92,456
2013 1,025,652 937,641 26,764 149,884 111,450 55,533 705,460 219,315 310,608 175,537 88,011
2012 1,035,964 953,037 24,840 151,066 112,007 64,407 712,724 223,444 314,117 175,163 82,927
2011 1,068,690 984,997 25,248 158,350 119,709 75,556 725,843 227,372 315,399 183,072 83,693
2010 1,077,145 989,756 26,039 157,907 119,716 89,685 716,125 223,574 309,464 183,087 87,389
2009 1,072,990 1,005,567 24,138 155,881 121,547 110,029 715,519 220,992 312,865 181,662 67,423
2008 1,112,432 1,025,304 26,183 172,743 137,888 118,569 707,809 224,699 311,154 171,956 87,128
2007 1,077,541 970,997 26,881 166,575 135,843 116,462 661,079 213,958 290,522 156,599 106,544
2006 1,004,976 898,262 24,127 158,752 131,369 111,572 603,811 200,933 258,825 144,053 106,714
2005 928,122 833,031 25,601 150,913 125,316 100,903 555,614 188,756 233,259 133,599 95,091
2004 860,059 775,872 26,815 143,100 120,560 88,836 517,121 180,918 211,825 124,378 84,187
2003 802,683 728,182 27,458 138,200 117,206 81,851 480,673 169,536 195,605 115,532 74,501
2002 749,744 683,365 26,107 133,154 113,885 75,008 449,096 161,625 180,784 106,687 66,379
2001 700,958 638,972 25,755 128,638 110,960 67,550 417,029 151,805 165,192 100,032 61,986
2000 647,569 588,595 24,247 121,835 105,341 59,618 382,895 140,174 149,116 93,605 58,974
Source: INE. Annual Spanish National Accounts. 2024 Benchmark Revision.
Note: Data for Spain were updated on 30 September 2024.
Data calculated by Idescat from information published by the INE, to facilitate comparability of the tables.
(p) Provisional data.

Last update: March 20, 2024. Revised series on March 27, 2024.

Methodological note

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) measures the final result of the production activity of the production units in a territory. There are three vantage points for analysing GDP: supply, demand and income.

  1. From the standpoint of supply, GDP makes it possible to evaluate the contributions made by the different productive branches to the economy as a whole (gross value added of agriculture, industry, construction and services).
  2. In order to conduct the analysis from the standpoint of the end-use of the goods and services produced (consumption, investment, external sector), GDP calculated from the demand side is used.
  3. Finally, from the income standpoint, GDP makes it possible to give a breakdown of the contribution made by the productive factors to production: compensation of wage-earners (labour), gross operating surplus (capital) and mixed income.

The annual estimates correspond to the 2019 GDP Benchmark Revision and its supply, demand and income components. Moreover, the estimates for the last three years (t–1, t–2 and t–3) are provisional; in addition, those for the last two years (t–1 and t–2) are an advance of results basically produced with short-term information, whereas those for year t–3 are produced with structural information.

The advance of the annual GDP incorporates a first estimate of GDP calculated from the aggregation of the four quarters of the advance of the quarterly GDP. This provisional estimate is updated when the Annual Economic Accounts for Catalonia are published, which includes complete information on the short-term indicators used in the estimates for the last two years.

Eurostat requires statistics offices to update regularly (at least every five years) the sources and estimation methods used to compile the economic accounts. All the results of the statistics making up the economic accounts of Catalonia will include this revision when each set of statistics is updated from March 2025 onwards, coinciding with the release of the Annual Economic Accounts for Catalonia 2024 and the accounts for the 4th quarter of 2024. The Benchmark Revision 2024 will be applied to the entire accounting series 2000-2024. In the case of the Spanish economic accounts, the results of the annual and quarterly accounts were published in September 2024 in accordance with the Benchmark Revision 2024.

You can get more information about these statistics in the methodology.