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Workshop on the Use of Administrative Registers in the Production of Statistics

  • Ponents:
    • Anders Wallgren, Institut d'Estadística de Suècia
    • Britt Wallgren, Institut d'Estadística de Suècia
  • Organitzat per: Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya
  • Lloc: sala de seminaris de l'Idescat
  • Dates: 7-10 octubre del 2013
  • Règim: restringit
  • Places: 20
  • Hores lectives: 28 h
  • Codi de l'activitat: R209/2013


Many countries want to use more and more administrative registers for their production of statistics on society. The aim is to reduce costs without losing quality, or even to improve quality with administrative data. A register-based population and housing census and new economic statistics that is more consistent that today are two important goals that can be achieved with the help of data from administrative registers.

However, the transition from a traditional national statistical system into a new register-based statistical system requires new ways of thinking, new methods on how to use administrative data and long-time work with developing new production methods.

During the workshop the methods for developing statistical registers will be explained. As all registers contain identities, microdata from different registers can be combined. The combinations can be done to get a register with better content but also to analyse quality. In the work with administrative registers the register system of the statistical office is developed step by step. During the workshop different parts of the register system will be discussed and the working strategy of Idescat will be outlined.


Personal de l'Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya i personal estadístic i tècnic de la resta d'organismes del Sistema estadístic de Catalunya.


  • 07.10.2013

    09.00 h – 17.00 h

  • 08.10.2013

    09.00 h – 17.00 h

  • 09.10.2013

    09.00 h – 17.00 h

  • 10.10.2013

    09.00 h – 17.00 h



  • The course is based on the following book: Wallgren, A., Wallgren B. (2007):
  • Register-based Statistics - Administrative Data for Statistical Purposes. John Wiley&Sons, Ltd.
  • Monday 7 October
  • 09.00-13.00
  • 1. Register surveys - an introduction
  • 2. Protection of privacy and confidentiality
  • 3. The nature of administrative data
  • 4. The register system
  • 5. The base registers in the system
  • 13.00-14.00
  • Lunch
  • 14.00-17.00
  • Case studies: The Population Register and related registers
  • Tuesday 8 October
  • 09.00-13.00
  • 6. How to create a register - matching and combining sources
  • 7. How to create a register - the population
  • 8. How to create a register - the variables
  • 9. Metadata
  • 13.00-14.00
  • Lunch
  • 14.00-17.00
  • Case studies: The Real Estate Register and related registers
  • Wednesday 9 October
  • 09.00-13.00
  • 10. Estimation methods - missing values
  • 11. Estimation methods - coverage problems
  • 12. Estimation methods - multivalued variables
  • 13.00-14.00
  • Lunch
  • 14.00-17.00
  • Case studies: Job activities and related registers
  • Thursday 10 October
  • 09.00-13.00
  • 13. How to create a register - editing
  • 14. Theory and quality of register - based statistics
  • 13.00-14.00
  • Lunch
  • 14.00-17.00
  • Case studies: The Business Register and related registers