Code | 431384 |
County | Montsià |
Population (2024) | 3,819 |
Surface area (km²) | 28.15 |
Density (inh./km²) | 135.7 |
Altitude (m) | 79 |
2024 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Surface area (km²) | 28.15 | 735.42 | 32,107.98 |
Density (inh./km²) | 135.7 | 97.2 | 249.5 |
2024 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Men | 1,937 | 36,180 | 3,943,698 |
Women | 1,882 | 35,280 | 4,068,533 |
Total | 3,819 | 71,460 | 8,012,231 |
Age groups
2024 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
From 0 to 14 years | 516 | 9,465 | 1,097,534 |
From 15 to 64 years | 2,433 | 46,502 | 5,349,199 |
From 65 to 84 years | 725 | 12,790 | 1,311,832 |
From 85 years and over | 145 | 2,703 | 253,666 |
Total | 3,819 | 71,460 | 8,012,231 |
Age groups. Men
2024 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
From 0 to 14 years | 258 | 4,810 | 565,197 |
From 15 to 64 years | 1,281 | 24,216 | 2,704,320 |
From 65 to 84 years | 341 | 6,105 | 589,410 |
From 85 years and over | 57 | 1,049 | 84,771 |
Total | 1,937 | 36,180 | 3,943,698 |
Age groups. Women
2024 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
From 0 to 14 years | 258 | 4,655 | 532,337 |
From 15 to 64 years | 1,152 | 22,286 | 2,644,879 |
From 65 to 84 years | 384 | 6,685 | 722,422 |
From 85 years and over | 88 | 1,654 | 168,895 |
Total | 1,882 | 35,280 | 4,068,533 |
Place of birth
2024 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Catalonia | 2,777 | 48,690 | 4,981,501 |
Rest of Spain | 305 | 6,640 | 1,124,048 |
Abroad | 737 | 16,130 | 1,906,682 |
Total | 3,819 | 71,460 | 8,012,231 |
2024 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Spanish | 3,159 | 56,962 | 6,568,039 |
Foreign | 660 | 14,498 | 1,444,192 |
Total | 3,819 | 71,460 | 8,012,231 |
Nationality. Men
2024 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Spanish | 1,592 | 28,420 | 3,197,752 |
Foreign | 345 | 7,760 | 745,946 |
Total | 1,937 | 36,180 | 3,943,698 |
Nationality. Women
2024 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Spanish | 1,567 | 28,542 | 3,370,287 |
Foreign | 315 | 6,738 | 698,246 |
Total | 1,882 | 35,280 | 4,068,533 |
Population resident abroad
2024 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Men | 44 | 963 | 197,314 |
Women | 41 | 923 | 189,172 |
Total | 85 | 1,886 | 386,486 |
Seasonal population
2023 (p) | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Resident population | 3,749 | 70,244 | 7,901,963 |
AFTE seasonal population | −166 | 630 | : |
Total | 3,583 | 70,874 | : |
AFTE population / resident population (%) | 95.6 | 100.9 | : |
Commuting for Study Reasons
SY 2023/24 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Resident Students | 605 | 10,890 | 1,230,655 |
Resident Students who study in the same municipality (%) | 76.9 | 82.6 | 81.6 |
2023 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Boys | 9 | 211 | 27,870 |
Girls | 12 | 229 | 26,347 |
Total | 21 | 440 | 54,217 |
2023 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Men | 34 | 373 | 34,053 |
Women | 13 | 344 | 33,609 |
Total | 47 | 717 | 67,662 |
Size of the households
2021 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
One person | 408 | 7,155 | 762,624 |
Two people | 396 | 7,737 | 871,499 |
Three people | 354 | 5,763 | 622,581 |
Four people | 216 | 4,317 | 500,357 |
Five people and over | 117 | 1,956 | 232,296 |
Total | 1,488 | 26,928 | 2,989,357 |
Type of households
2021 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
One person | 408 | 7,155 | 762,624 |
Two people or more without nucleus | 54 | 1,134 | 159,150 |
Couple without children | 273 | 5,355 | 597,161 |
Couple with children | 498 | 8,688 | 965,843 |
Father or mother with children | 219 | 3,849 | 430,471 |
Two nucleuses or more | 39 | 747 | 74,108 |
Total | 1,491 | 26,928 | 2,989,357 |
Internal migrations
2022 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Balance with Catalonia | −41 | 243 | : |
Balance with Spain | 2 | 22 | −5,865 |
Internal migratory net balance | −39 | 265 | −5,865 |
External migrations
2022 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Immigrations | 73 | 2,182 | 274,438 |
Emigrations | 48 | 966 | 115,892 |
External immigrations
2022 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Rest of EU | 17 | 326 | 29,090 |
Rest of the world | 56 | 1,856 | 245,348 |
Total | 73 | 2,182 | 274,438 |
Population growth
(crude rate per 1,000 inhabitants) | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Crude Birth Rate | : | : | : |
Crude Death Rate | : | : | : |
Crude Rate of Natural Increase. 2023 | −6.88 | −3.91 | −1.69 |
Net Migration Rate. 2023 | 25.40 | 20.52 | 15.29 |
Total Growth Rate. 2023 | 18.52 | 17.17 | 13.86 |
Knowledge of Catalan
2011 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Understand | 3,792 | 67,547 | 6,949,344 |
Speak | 3,305 | 54,647 | 5,345,484 |
Read | 3,284 | 56,357 | 5,750,348 |
Write | 2,051 | 36,302 | 4,069,219 |
Do not understand | : | 1,773 | 356,728 |
Total | 3,831 | 69,320 | 7,306,072 |
Sports facilities
2024 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Pavilions | 1 | 11 | 1,032 |
Multisport courts | 6 | 103 | 8,414 |
Multisport fields | 2 | 24 | 2,280 |
Sports halls | 5 | 81 | 9,360 |
Indoor swimming pools | 0 | 5 | 1,107 |
Athelitcs tracks | 0 | 4 | 436 |
Other facilities | 17 | 363 | 29,479 |
Total | 31 | 591 | 52,108 |
Level of education attained
2022 (%) | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Primary education or lower | 18.7 | 17.1 | 14.0 |
First stage of secondary education | 42.6 | 36.8 | 27.9 |
Second stage of secondary education | 17.3 | 21.4 | 23.4 |
Higher education | 21.4 | 24.7 | 34.7 |
Municipal elections
2019 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Electors | 2,684 | 48,245 | 5,422,553 |
Turnout (%) | 70.0 | 69.1 | 64.8 |
Elections to the Parliament of Catalonia
2021 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Electors | 2,644 | 47,358 | 5,624,067 |
Turnout (%) | 44.4 | 47.4 | 51.3 |
Elections to the Congress of Deputies
2019 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Electors | 2,636 | 47,054 | 5,615,420 |
Turnout (%) | 66.8 | 67.7 | 69.4 |
Elections to the European Parliament
2019 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Electors | 2,681 | 47,916 | 5,645,470 |
Turnout (%) | 69.6 | 67.7 | 60.9 |
Relation with economic activity
2022 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Employed population | 1,525 | 27,622 | 3,333,477 |
Unemployed population | 205 | 3,627 | 365,357 |
Active population | 1,730 | 31,249 | 3,698,834 |
Inactive population | 1,459 | 27,439 | 2,855,090 |
Population of 16 years and over | 3,189 | 58,688 | 6,553,924 |
Contributors to Social Security according to contributors's residence
02/2025 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Men | 820 | 14,500 | 1,897,740 |
Women | 670 | 11,895 | 1,693,490 |
Total | 1,490 | 26,395 | 3,591,230 |
Affiliations to Social Security according to contributor's residence
02/2025 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Total | 1,565 | 27,635 | 3,778,820 |
Affiliations to general system according to location of affilation. By sectors
12/2024 (p) | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Agriculture | 10 | 265 | 10,575 |
Industry | 145 | 4,515 | 465,880 |
Construction | 70 | 900 | 157,645 |
Services | 505 | 10,800 | 2,474,660 |
Total | 725 | 16,480 | 3,108,760 |
Affiliations to self-employed system. By sectors
12/2024 (p) | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Agriculture | 95 | 900 | 20,540 |
Industry | 20 | 350 | 36,015 |
Construction | 50 | 675 | 70,335 |
Services | 170 | 3,710 | 440,345 |
Total | 335 | 5,635 | 567,235 |
Affiliations to gen. system according to location of affilation. By size of the location
12/2024 (p) | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Up to 9 workers | 220 | 4,655 | 549,760 |
From 10 to 49 workers | 260 | 4,630 | 736,230 |
From 50 to 249 workers | 245 | 4,380 | 743,495 |
From 250 workers and over | 0 | 2,810 | 1,079,275 |
Total | 725 | 16,480 | 3,108,760 |
Contributory accounts of Social Security
12/2024 (p) | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Total | 104 | 2,112 | 245,610 |
Contributory Social Security pensions
2023 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Total | 979 | 15,599 | 1,758,796 |
Average pension (euros) | 928.08 | 1,013.06 | 1,259.32 |
Contributory Social Security Pensioners
2023 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Men | 431 | 7,458 | 741,000 |
Women | 413 | 6,524 | 800,323 |
Total | 844 | 13,982 | 1,541,323 |
Registered unemployment by sectors
2024 (annual averages) | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Agriculture | 21.0 | 233.2 | 5,273.2 |
Industry | 20.2 | 376.3 | 35,466.6 |
Construction | 8.1 | 227.7 | 25,611.7 |
Services | 117.8 | 2,167.8 | 243,751.4 |
Without previous employment | 7.1 | 255.6 | 25,595.5 |
Total | 174.2 | 3,260.7 | 335,698.3 |
Registered unemployment by sex
2024 (annual averages) | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Men | 80.5 | 1,333.5 | 142,232.5 |
Women | 93.7 | 1,927.2 | 193,465.8 |
Total | 174.2 | 3,260.7 | 335,698.3 |
Type of dwellings
2021 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Main dwellings | 1,489 | 26,929 | 2,989,357 |
Non-main dwellings | 815 | 19,944 | 925,770 |
Total | 2,304 | 46,873 | 3,915,127 |
Main dwellings (%) | 64.6 | 57.5 | 76.4 |
Type of tenancy of dwellings
2021 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Owned | 1,110 | 20,382 | 2,066,591 |
Rented | 252 | 4,461 | 692,285 |
Other type | 129 | 2,088 | 230,481 |
Total | 1,491 | 26,931 | 2,989,357 |
Rented (%) | 16.9 | 16.6 | 23.2 |
Useful surface area of dwellings
2021 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Up to 45 m² | 39 | 1,482 | 270,604 |
From 46 to 60 m² | 132 | 3,576 | 657,547 |
From 61 to 90 m² | 423 | 10,869 | 1,181,950 |
From 91 to 120 m² | 405 | 6,045 | 443,055 |
More than 120 m² | 456 | 4,590 | 403,659 |
Not listed | 30 | 363 | 32,542 |
Total | 1,491 | 26,928 | 2,989,357 |
2021 (Catalonia index=100) | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Small area socioeconòmic index | 85.1 | 86.5 | 100.0 |
Disposable household income
2021 (p) | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
GDHI (thousands €) | 53,128 | 958,485 | 142,363,357 |
GDHI per capita (euros) | 14,096 | 13,938 | 18,356 |
GDHI per capita (Catalonia index=100) | 76.8 | 75.9 | 100.0 |
Urban property tax
2023 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Number of receipts | 3,557 | 72,802 | 5,970,136 |
Taxable base by receipt (euros) | 36,416 | 38,876 | 70,177 |
Integral quota by receipt (euros) | 291 | 299 | 505 |
Personal Income Tax
2022 (euros) | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Taxable base by declarer | 17,281 | 18,853 | 27,269 |
Resulting quota from self-payment by declarer | 4,726 | 5,068 | 7,975 |
Used agricultural area
2020 (hectares) | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Cultivated land | 1,916 | 36,521 | 800,833 |
Permanent pasture | 48 | 2,198 | 291,383 |
Total | 1,964 | 38,719 | 1,092,215 |
Cultivated land
2020 (hectares) | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Grain cereals | 19 | 12,830 | 360,408 |
Green harvested crops | 1 | 108 | 79,907 |
Other arable crops | 14 | 265 | 48,347 |
Fallow crops | 40 | 626 | 38,416 |
Outdoor fruit trees | 728 | 5,067 | 106,030 |
Olives | 1,074 | 16,998 | 100,123 |
Vines | 0 | 7 | 59,533 |
Other woody crops | 39 | 570 | 7,111 |
Greenhouse crops | 0 | 44 | 752 |
Kitchen gardens for personal use | 0 | 6 | 206 |
Total | 1,916 | 36,521 | 800,833 |
2020 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Farms with UAA | 211 | 3,131 | 53,903 |
Farms with livestock | 16 | 240 | 10,890 |
Head of livestock
2020 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Bovine | : | 1,317 | 676,097 |
Ovine | : | 5,806 | 488,771 |
Caprine | : | 2,160 | 69,820 |
Porcine | 5,350 | 178,602 | 8,192,796 |
Avian | 142,110 | 2,717,657 | 42,544,012 |
Female rabbits | 0 | 5,461 | 138,400 |
Equine | 9 | 260 | 13,380 |
Housing construction
2023 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
State subsidised housing starts | 0 | 0 | 3,491 |
Housing starts | 0 | 25 | 14,418 |
Tourist accommodation
Municipality | County | Catalonia | |
Hotels. 2023 | 3 | 32 | 3,146 |
Hotel beds. 2023 | 91 | 1,515 | 321,648 |
Campsites. 2022 | 0 | 5 | 353 |
Campsite places. 2022 | 0 | 2,400 | 270,342 |
Rural tourism. 2023 | 1 | 32 | 2,646 |
Rural tourism beds. 2023 | 14 | 303 | 21,576 |
Fleet of vehicles
2023 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Estate cars | 2,158 | 37,189 | 3,502,644 |
Motorcycles | 332 | 5,246 | 947,895 |
Industrial vehicles | 797 | 12,091 | 759,536 |
Others | 144 | 2,173 | 188,179 |
Total | 3,431 | 56,699 | 5,398,254 |
Municipal waste
2021 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Generation per capita (kg/inhab./day) | 1.31 | 1.51 | 1.42 |
Selective collection (%) | 47.7 | 50.1 | 46.7 |
Industrial waste
2021 | Municipality | County | Catalonia |
Establishments with yearly waste declarations | 12 | 164 | 15,622 |
Industrial waste (tonnes) | 5,347.52 | 24,059.79 | 3,823,878.74 |