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Surnames of the population. 2022 Segrià
As first surname As second surname
Pos. Surname ascending frequency frequency
08718 AABID 4 0.02 .. ..
07476 AAJAL .. .. 4 0.02
03830 AARAB 9 0.04 4 0.02
08718 AAZANE 4 0.02 .. ..
08718 ABABEI 4 0.02 .. ..
00206 ABAD 136 0.64 120 0.57
03253 ABADAL 8 0.04 8 0.04
01335 ABADIA 26 0.12 22 0.10
06622 ABADIANO 5 0.02 .. ..
00858 ABADIAS 39 0.18 36 0.17
05959 ABAGA 5 0.02 .. ..
05439 ABAGHAD .. .. 5 0.02
07476 ABAGRI .. .. 4 0.02
02313 ABAIGAR 16 0.08 9 0.04
04073 ABAJO 8 0.04 4 0.02
04352 ABANADES .. .. 8 0.04
02590 ABARCA 15 0.07 7 0.03
03253 ABARDIA 10 0.05 6 0.03
02111 ABASCAL 12 0.06 16 0.08
07476 ABASTO 5 0.02 .. ..
05959 ABAZA 5 0.02 .. ..
05439 ABAZID 5 0.02 .. ..
02111 ABBAS 23 0.11 5 0.02
05959 ABBASSI 6 0.03 .. ..
08718 ABDELAALI 4 0.02 .. ..
Source: Idescat, based on the Continuous Register Statistic of INE
Note: ‰ calculated out of the total population.
Note: Only shows the surnames with frequency >=4.
.. Confidencial data, not avalaible

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