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Surname of the person: PIZA. By counties

Surname of the person: PIZA. 2023 By counties
As first surname As second surname
Position frequency frequency
Alt Empordà 4,574 4 0.03 .. ..
Anoia 5,526 .. .. 4 0.03
Baix Camp 6,884 4 0.02 .. ..
Baix Llobregat 6,720 4 0.00 16 0.02
Barcelonès 4,575 32 0.01 66 0.03
Gironès 5,691 5 0.02 .. ..
Maresme 8,171 5 0.01 5 0.01
Osona 4,795 6 0.04 .. ..
Pla d'Urgell 2,406 4 0.11 .. ..
Selva 6,540 4 0.02 .. ..
Tarragonès 6,849 .. .. 6 0.02
Vallès Occidental 3,926 25 0.03 23 0.02
Total 5,914 111 0.01 141 0.02
Source: Idescat, based on the INE's Continuous Population and Housing Census.
Note: Only shows counties with 4 or more people with the selected surname.

Disaggregation criteria