011 |
Food |
012 |
Non-alcoholic beverages |
021 |
Alcoholic beverages |
022 |
Tobacco |
023 |
Narcotics |
031 |
Clothing |
032 |
Footwear |
041 |
Actual rentals for housing |
042 |
Imputed rentals for housing |
043 |
Maintenance and repair of the dwelling |
044 |
Water supply and miscellaneous services relating to the dwelling |
045 |
Electricity, gas and other fuels |
051 |
Furniture and furnishings, carpets and other floor coverings |
052 |
Household textiles |
053 |
Household appliances |
054 |
Glassware, tableware and household utensils |
055 |
Tools and equipment for house and garden |
056 |
Goods and services for routine household maintenance |
061 |
Medical products, appliances and equipment |
062 |
Outpatient services |
063 |
Hospital services |
071 |
Purchase of vehicles |
072 |
Operation of personal transport equipment |
073 |
Transport services |
081 |
Postal services |
082 |
Telephone and telefax equipment |
083 |
Telephone and telefax services |
091 |
Audio-visual, photographic and information processing equipment |
092 |
Other major durables for recreation and culture |
093 |
Other recreational items and equipment, gardens and pets |
094 |
Recreational and cultural services |
095 |
Newspapers, books and stationery |
096 |
Package holidays |
101 |
Pre-primary and primary education |
102 |
Secondary education |
103 |
Post-secondary non-tertiary education |
104 |
Tertiary education |
105 |
Education not definable by level |
111 |
Catering services |
112 |
Accommodation services |
121 |
Personal care |
122 |
Prostitution |
123 |
Personal effects n.e.c. |
124 |
Social protection |
125 |
Insurance |
126 |
Financial services n.e.c. |
127 |
Other services n.e.c. |
131 |
Housing |
132 |
Health |
133 |
Recreation and culture |
134 |
Education |
135 |
Social protection |
136 |
Other services |
141 |
Housing |
142 |
Health |
143 |
Recreation and culture |
144 |
Education |
145 |
Social protection |