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Code Description
011 Food
012 Non-alcoholic beverages
021 Alcoholic beverages
022 Tobacco
023 Narcotics
031 Clothing
032 Footwear
041 Actual rentals for housing
042 Imputed rentals for housing
043 Maintenance and repair of the dwelling
044 Water supply and miscellaneous services relating to the dwelling
045 Electricity, gas and other fuels
051 Furniture and furnishings, carpets and other floor coverings
052 Household textiles
053 Household appliances
054 Glassware, tableware and household utensils
055 Tools and equipment for house and garden
056 Goods and services for routine household maintenance
061 Medical products, appliances and equipment
062 Outpatient services
063 Hospital services
071 Purchase of vehicles
072 Operation of personal transport equipment
073 Transport services
081 Postal services
082 Telephone and telefax equipment
083 Telephone and telefax services
091 Audio-visual, photographic and information processing equipment
092 Other major durables for recreation and culture
093 Other recreational items and equipment, gardens and pets
094 Recreational and cultural services
095 Newspapers, books and stationery
096 Package holidays
101 Pre-primary and primary education
102 Secondary education
103 Post-secondary non-tertiary education
104 Tertiary education
105 Education not definable by level
111 Catering services
112 Accommodation services
121 Personal care
122 Prostitution
123 Personal effects n.e.c.
124 Social protection
125 Insurance
126 Financial services n.e.c.
127 Other services n.e.c.
131 Housing
132 Health
133 Recreation and culture
134 Education
135 Social protection
136 Other services
141 Housing
142 Health
143 Recreation and culture
144 Education
145 Social protection